Many NGOs argue that, because of their social work, automatically they become socially responsible organizations, but this is not so: the automatism "NGO = CSR" does not work. CSR implies transparency, excellent management, dialogue with stakeholders, business ethics and high labor standards and these aspects are not automatic, but are planned, socialized and reported.
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides, in addition to the general guidelines G3, G3.1. and the future G4, a number of very interesting sector supplements, such as airports sector, construction, event management, electricity, financial sector food processing sector, media, mining, oil, gas... and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
This supplement for NGOs explores six aspects:
- Effectiveness: Does the NGO their goals? Do you really contributes to social change?
- Economic impact: NGO presents annual accounts? Are audited and balanced?
- Fundraising: Where does the funding for the operation of the entity?
- Work ethic: Does the NGO labor standards? Does volunteering abused?
- Transparency: with special emphasis on fundraising and data protection.
- Marketing ethics: How far does the NGO when attracting partners and funds?
In the GRI database are 11,091 sustainability reports. Of these, only 271 are for NGOs and social organizations and only 37 have used the supplement for NGOs.
To download the supplement for NGOs, click here. For NGOs memories made with the supplement, follow these links:
- The GRI report (lead by example)
- Amnesty International
- Ability Options
Tips: sustainability report, CSR, GRI, NGOs