CSR & Social Entrepreneurship

CSR & Social Entrepreneurship

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012


I take this first post to introduce myself.

I am Spanish, but I live for a year in Bogota with a wonderful woman. Today, I´m working as a consultant on issues of CSR and social entrepreneurship in PROIKA SAS and I´m teacher of Social Work at the Fundacion Universitaria Monserrate.

Social worker and sociologist (specialized in Social Management and Social Intervention) with five years experience in the areas of corporate social responsibility, strategic planning, business process facilitation and associative design and evaluation of social projects. Important teaching and research, leading innovation projects and being recognized with several awards. Convinced by Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta that "Economic revolution will social or not be; social revolution will economic or not be".

I´m very proud to say that I have travelled all over the world: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, France, Italy, England, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Singapore, Japan, Dubai, Egypt, Tunisia, Australia and New Zealand.

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